Studio Golf ~ Indoor / Outdoor Training
Featuring : Angelo Lopiano, PGA
Rated one of the Top 100 Instructors in the country Angelo Lopiano, PGA has been in the Golf Business since 1988 and has been a PGA Golf Professional since December of 1994.
Angelo Created Studio Golf in 1999 and is still going strong.
With over 70,000 Golf Lessons given in his lustrous Teaching Career, Angelo, has helped games improve and installed knowledge and passion for the Game of Golf to all of his students. The swing is made easy and it is injury free to the body! You will learn quickly and efficiently and have fun while doing so.
Swing Methodology
Angelo is not a traditional swing coach, his methodology is way beyond the traditional facets of the golf swing
and it is broken down so anyone can learn and improve. So swing by Studio Golf, take a lesson from Angelo and watch your game get better and better without effort!
Summer Teaching Hours ( May 1 to Oct 1)
Monday - 8:00 - 4:00
Tuesday - 8:00 - 5:30
Wednesday - 8:00 - 4:00
Thursday 8:00 - 5:30
Friday - By Appointment only when available
Saturday 8:00 - 3:00
Sundays - OFF
All other times can be reserved by members of Studiogolf for practice and play time! One year Key Members only!
By Appointment means Angelo will be available at Studio Golf before or after Store Hour times and on weekends
By Appointment Caters to Members and Lesson Takers & Round Players Only